Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Early Bird...

This morning, I was up at 6:45am ready and bouncing for a day of supply teaching.  I semi-curled my hair (which is something since I hardly ever do anything nice to my hair!) because I was so excited.  The last time I supplied was before the Christmas holidays, so I was eager to see the students again.

7:30am rolled around and I still hadn't heard back from the VP who called me the day before. 10 minutes later and I received the call, "The teacher who called in sick... is feeling better."  I don't think I'd ever been disappointed about someone feeling well, but I am thankful that whoever they are is better.  So, I waited until 8:05am before waking the husband up, to his surprise.

What this morning taught me was that I can indeed wake up early and not absolutely dread it.  In the past, doing morning devotions was difficult to even think about because I couldn't imagine waking up, and enjoying it, when it was still dark out.  Impossible!

But today's eagerness, and lovely hair curling, showed me that if you're truly passionate about something, you'll do whatever it takes (sacrifice a little) - even if it means waking up before the world does.  Ha! Like half the world isn't already up and on the way to work.

"Oh Lord, in the morning you hear my voice;
in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch."
Psalm 5:3 (ESV)

What better way to start the day off than communing with God and waiting and watching for what He decides to do??

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