In the past, I always used knives that were sharp (for obvious reasons) but the instant I sliced my first potatoe, I felt like I had never used a real knife before. I was shocked at how easy it was to slice the potatoe... and that's when it hit me. The purpose of a knife is to help us cut things, with ease. Using a blunt knife would be silly because it defeats the purpose of using a knife in the first place.
So how does this relate to my life? God's sharpened us all a certain way. Some of us are adept at teaching, and others singing. No one person's gift is better than the other, but it is noticeable that we have gifts and talents; and it's not by sheer coincidence that we do. God gifts a person with the ability to preach in hopes that they will fulfill their calling... and preach. Just like a knife's purpose is to cut, so is a preacher's purpose to preach.
But many people serve in ministries, work jobs or are in relationships they are not called/purposed to. They struggle endlessly, and find themselves questioning God as to why things are so difficult. It's like a knife wondering why it's having such a difficult time taking pictures. It was never meant to take pictures!
I believe I've found my purpose/calling/gifting in life, I just need to figure out how to best utilize it. Children's Ministry at church has been a great way for me to channel that passion... but I feel like there's still so much more I have in me, to give.
Here's to trying to be the sharpest knife!
happy one year anniversary to you and ryan!! :D